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I love noodles and pasta too! I am envious that you can find duck :)


I could eat noodles and pasta everyday too!

I made Kamonanban Soba and posted about it (not the recipe) on my blog, 2 January 08. I'm thinking that you might have over-cooked the duck. I have a second recipe by Shizuo Tsui for "Kamo Nanba." In both recipes, the duck is sliced and cooked for a very short time, first in a skillet, then in kakejiru. One recipe uses shichimi togarashi for a condiment, and the other uses sansho pepper.

There are 4 recipes using duck breast in my project book, and it's never cooked for more than a total of 30 minutes.

About the "nanban" there might be another possibility: There is a reference in one of my books to escbeche. The dressing is called nanban vinegar and includes dried red pepper and long onions. Also, a recipe for Tori Namban-zuke, and one for Salmon in a Sweet Vinegar marinade. Could it be related to the seasoning of hot pepper as the foreign influence? oh, never mind, Here is what Ms. Shimbo notes, "Dishes prepared in namban style typically call for red chile pepper and the combined techniques of deep-frying and marinating."


i love clams too!
i stmbled across your blog and its interesting to see tokyo from your perspective! great pictures too :)

A scientist in the kitchen

Just want to let you know how much I enjoy your posts. I love ramen, eating ramen is probably one of my best memories on my first visit in Japan.


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